1) IAFとの出会い。Encounter with IAF
弊社は、東京虎ノ門に所在するMSTC (一般財団法人 製造科学技術センター;ロボット技術やFA、その他の製造科学技術について、調査研究や標準化を行うことを目的とした団体) に設置され、そのFA関連業務を担当するIAF (産業オートメーションフォーラム) という任意団体の存在を10月に知りました。
FDT日本支部の幹部の方に10/6(火) に開催された2015年IAF Forumという講演会を紹介されたのがきっかけでした。それは、IAFによって開催される一年に一回の大きな講演会です。
右の図は、2015年IAF Forumの配布資料の表紙です。
IAF Forum終了後の夜、会場の近くで懇親会があり、参加させて頂きました。
Bezalel recognized presence of a private organization named IAF (Industrial Automation Forum) that is located in MSTC (A japanese general incorporated foundation. The abbreviation of Manufacturing Science and Technology Center; They do R&Ds and standardizations on robotics, FA, and other sciences and technologies of manufacturing) in Toranomon, Tokyo, and in charge of its FA-related works.
It is because an executive person of FDT Japan introduced Bezalel to a lecture meeting named IAF Forum held on Tuesday, October 6th. It's an annual large lecture meeting held by IAF.
The right-above picture showed a cover of a distributed resource of 2015 IAF Forum.
Bezalel attended that meeting, felt that it was a comprehensive meeting including the wide range of areas in automation with audience from diverse fields, and got interested in activities of IAF.
In the night after the end of IAF Forum, a reception party was held near the meeting place, and Bezalel attended it.
During the party, about ten people composed of mainly automation engineers and standardization experts from varius companies including Bezalel had friendly discussions that was frank and across each other's boundaries, and it was quite productive. Bezalel was attracted so much to that there is a place where we can discuss in an atmosphere of freedom like this about the future shape that automation should take.
In Japanese conventional business society, there has been for a very long time a mood where it's difficult to do democratically liberal discussions in a real meaning according to the back grounds or positions like belonging companie, etc, of the discussion partners. But, in many of other advanced countries, it's different. In the globalization era, even though the major groups not necessarily have justice, although Japanese business society has been highly developped, as for the point whether it is the society where we can easily do liberal disucussions or not, it's still in an isolation situation. Bezalel thinks that Japanese busines society should learn after the example of many of the other advanced countries in this point.
Throughout this party, IAF seemed to be a group like a modern version of Shokason-Juku for automation. Bezalel was much moved, knowing the group of people who have ability and ambition to lead the future automation industry and contribute not only to Japan but also to the world.
2) IAFでの弊社の発表。Bezalel's Presentation in IAF
その10/6(火)に開催された2015年IAF Forumの数日後、弊社は、上記のFDT日本支部の幹部の方から、11月に開催予定のIAF意見交換会でのプレゼンテーションのご依頼を頂き、お引き受け致しました。IAF意見交換会とは、オートメーションネットワークのレベルでグループ化された部門に設置された、特定の方向性をもった議論の場です。
弊社は、約1.5ヶ月後、11/30(月) に東京虎ノ門のMSTCで開かれたIAF意見交換会で、”ボルト業界のオートメーション事情と、その生産性改善に向けた”ADS”の開発”というテーマのプレゼンテーションを約1時間致しました。左上の写真は、そのときにお配りした資料の最初のスライドです。会はその他の議案等を含め、3時間程開催されました。
弊社のプレゼンでは、様々な話題から弊社の展望を説明させて頂きながら、現在考察している日本のボルト業界のオートメーション事情を、一般的なボルトの量産型生産工程とともに、まずご説明しました。その後、私見を含め、現場で今どのような問題があるか、今後は何が発生しそうかについて、申し上げました。そして、弊社が、一つの打開策として考案したADS (Automatic Distribution System ; 本ウェブサイトの”特徴”のページに記載) について、ご説明しました。
In a couple of days after the 2015 IAF Forum held on Tuesday, October 6, Bezalel recieved a request from the above mentioned exuctive person of FDT Japan for doing presentation at an IAF opinion exchange meeting that was planned to be held in last Novemver, and agreed to it. The IAF opnion exchange meeting is a place for discussions that have specific directionalities established in divisions grouped by levels on the general automation network.
About 1.5 months later, Bezalel did presentation whose them was "The automation situations in the fastener industry and the development of "ADS" for the improvement of its productivities" for about 1 hour at the IAF opinion exchange meeting held at MSTC located Toranomon, Tokyo, on Monday, November 30. The left-upper figure shows the first slide on the resurce distributed at that time. The meeting was held for about 3 hours including other bills.
In the presentation, at fisrt, Bezalel explained the automation situations in the Japanese fastener industry that we are now considering with the general mass-production type production processes of fasteners, while explaining the company's business view with various topics. Then, Bezalel talked about what kinds of problems exist in actual spots now and what seems to occur in the future, including our pesonal opinions. And Bezalel explained ADS (Automatic Distribution System; described on the page of Features of this website) that we invented as one of the breakthroughs.
Members in the meeeting gethering from overall Japan listened faborably to Bezalel's presentation through Q&As and got interested in the actual production sites of fastners that they seemed not to know so much about. It was decided that the opinion exchange meeting will consider what kinds of public utility activities the meeting can do.
Bezalel is deeply grateful to being invited to the meeting like this.
3) IAFへの入会。Joining IAF
Sonn after the IAF opinion exchange meeting held on Monday, November 30 where Bezalel did the presentaion, Bezalel was invited to joining IAF and enrollment as a member of the same opinion exchange meeting. Bezalel determined to hope to join it as a user information member.
At the begining of December, Bezalel applied for membership in IAF, and the entering was deicded on Monday, December 21. And Bezalel got enrolled as a member of the same opinion exchange meeting.
Bezalel is a control panel manufacturer relating with the user's actual spots, and will be honored if we can be a help to activate its activities by supplying the points of view of the actual spots as many as possible in IAF where there are many expert people of large vender companies and laboratories.